Solar Electric System for Your Factory 2023

What is Solar Electric System?

Solar Electric System is the technology supply Renewable Energy

Despite what some might think, solar power is actually very simple. 

  1. Solar modules (panels) on your roof convert sunlight into DC electricity.
  2. A solar inverter converts the DC electricity into 220V AC electricity, the type of electricity suitable for home use. 
  3. Devices in your house will utilise the AC from the solar power system first and draw electricity from the grid to make up the remainder of your energy consumption. 
  4. If you produce excess power, it’ll be fed back into the electrical grid, an interconnected network which delivers electricity from producers to consumers. Prior to installing solar, this is where your electricity would have come from. If you have them, excess power can be fed to solar batteries, so that you can continue to benefit from solar energy even after the sun has set.
  5. In addition to capitalising on the sun’s energy to power their home, some customers may also be eligible to receive credit from EVN, as a way of saying ‘thanks’ for feeding excess solar PV energy back into the grid.

What is it benefit for factory?

Reduce Electric Bill up to 100%

  • It depend on many factors what can be consult by consultant


Reduce temprature on rooftop in Summer

Solar panels are made from materials like glass, silica, metals, and plastics, which are able to reflect heat from the sun’s powerful rays. These materials are considerably more reflective than traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by the University of California, San Diego, the reflective materials—coupled with the fact that panels are typically raised from the roof’s surface—allow solar panels to reduce heat absorption on a roof’s surface by up to 38%.

By reflecting heat away from your roof, solar panels reduce attic temperature and keep your attic much cooler. This means that the using spaces below your attic will also stay cooler during the summer. 

Factories with rooftop solar panels see a 5-degree temperature drop in the attic and other upper using areas on average. As a result, Factory employees feel more comfortable inside factory and don’t need to run your AC system and FAN system as often, leading to summer energy bill savings. 

Plus point for export product to EU and USA

Solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment compared to any other energy source. It does not produce greenhouse gases and does not pollute the water. It also requires very little water for its maintenance, unlike nuclear power plants for example, needing 20 times more water. Solar energy production does not create any noise, which is major benefit, since a lot of solar installations are in urban areas, such as domestic solar panels.

Make your information more private

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    How much does it cost?

    1 KWp Solar Panel can make Average 3KWh per day in North of Viet Nam


    Install 11,000,000 VND/ KWp can make Average 3 KWh/day = 75 KWh/month

    Used time: 20 year = 240 month = 18000 KWh (does not included broken risk, maintenance expense)

    Benefit per month

    Type owner Electric cost Money Saving per month
    Household 3308đ/KWh 248,000 VND/month
    Business 3014đ/KWh 226,000 VND/month
    Manufacture 1954đ/KWh 146,550 VND/month

    Benefit per life used

    Type owner Electric cost Money Saving
    Household 3308đ/KWh 58,544,000 VNĐ
    Business 3014đ/KWh 54,252,000 VNĐ
    Manufacture 1954đ/KWh 35,172,000 VN

    Why choose us?

    The Green Technology Joint Stock Company Hùng Việt, with founding members engaged in the fields of Electricity, Oil and Gas, and Construction, was established on June 27, 2019. The company focuses on green technology, environmentally friendly activities.

    In its initial phase, Hùng Việt builds and develops products and services related to the field of lightweight electricity, renewable energy, especially Solar Power - with the ambition to become a pioneering enterprise in Vietnam in the field of renewable energy.

    In parallel with green energy, Hùng Việt will gradually develop green technology products and services to serve the development of industry and people's lives.

    Lightweight electricity and rooftop solar are specialized construction projects that require a harmonious combination of Safety - Quality - Efficiency - Aesthetics. Therefore, the EPC Contractor must pay attention to every detail, putting themselves in the position of the Investor and Partners to create stable and efficient rooftop solar systems for over 20 years.

    Location: Nam Tu Liem Hanoi

    Contact: 0968 000 417

    Free consult and examination solar electric system